Sunday, November 12, 2006

NYMOM's identity revealed


The identity of the infamous NYMOM has finally been revealed - Margaret Temple, from Columbia University.
(Bottom of the page, somehow, NYMOM appropriately comes in LAST!)

Congratulations to Rob Fedders for digging up the info!

Remember men, she's not a feminist.


  1. Every inch the obnoxious, ugly and repulsive bitch that it's rantings and ravings indicated she would be.

  2. Actually, the credit should go to Voodoojock. Lol! I think he has been annoyed by the Walmart Walrus longer than me!

    But, once one looks at that picture, it sure is easy to understand why she spends so much time clipping catfood coupons. Spiteful skank! (Shudder)

  3. Wasn't me. It was 2 guys from Gonzo's blog, Napnip and Al of "Shut the fuck up, SKANK!" fame.

  4. My post to NYMOM's blog:

    Well, NYMOM, it looks like they have finally found you. After being such an annoyance to the men's boards, you have made yourself into a high-value target.

    How long will it be before a record query at the Suffolk County Recorder reveals your home address there in Mastic?

  5. Holy shit! Is that a dyke mullet?


  6. Sigh...

    Can you people get a real life or something????

    This fixation with my identity is fascination to me...I am just an ordinary woman, not some horrible ugly, repulsive person as you claim...Additionally are you allowed to do this on blogger????

    Remember I am a member of blogger too? I don't think you are supposed to be doing this...if I have sometime next week I'm going to contact goggle about it.

    Remember when the other website got away with it, they were not affiliated with google but with mensnewsdaily who didn't care that they broke the rules...I don't think google is going to feel the same way, but we'll see...

    1. well, its July 2015 & you are still here. Does that answer your question?

  7. Hahaha. She's going to call the Google police! Or is it the "Goggle" police now? Maybe she's calling both to ensure prompt action!

    Joke's on her, though. They're already going to bust her ass for that blatantly false "I'm not horribly ugly" line. Lying on the internets is a felony, NYMOM!


  8. Ha Ha, you work at a university, Margaret, you're not in elementary school.

    "Ummmm... I'm telling!"

    Typical of a feminist, run around and annoy the hell out everyone and then go and run to find someone else to complain to and try to get them to fix the problems you made!

    Well, in that case...

    "Nyah, Nyah, Nyah, Nyah, Nyah."

    Be sure to tell Sergey Brinn and Larry Page how you've made a career out of harassing other bloggers.

    Lol! And btw, NYMOM, I'll bet that Napnip & Al found out your name because YOU blabbed it around somewhere on the web... that kinda makes you responsible, dontcha think?

    Go back to your cave, Margaret

  9. Hey Margaret,

    Does Columbia know that you blog during working hours, from university computers?

    That is a violation of the university's computer use policies (no better than shopping or surfing porn at work), and subjects the employee to disciplinary action, up to and including termination.

    I think I'll have a chat with Ms Brovman on Wednesday.

  10. The administration of this university should be informed about what Margaret is doing during her working time.

    There are 4 other women sitting with her in the same department, how is it possible that they did not notice anything about her internet activity?

  11. Ah, nymom. Shut up and take it like a man.


  12. Additionally are you allowed to do this on blogger????

    Remember I am a member of blogger too? I don't think you are supposed to be doing this...if I have sometime next week I'm going to contact goggle about it.


    Everyone here thinks you're a dumb fuckin' cunt, but do you always have to confirm our beliefs?

    Your identity is a matter of public record. Your contact info is a matter of public record. How can you get someone into trouble for posting information that is freely available on another website?

    Sigh....more chick logic at work.

    Oh and one more thing (apologies to Rob Fedders for stealing his line): FUCK OFF, SKANK!

  13. "The administration of this university should be informed about what Margaret is doing during her working time."

    So if you think you have a case, then inform them.

    You are only going to make a heroine of me when people see the comments you've all made about me here and on other you've shot yourselves in the foot...

  14. Margaret Said:
    > You are only going to make a
    > heroine of me when people see
    > the comments you've all made
    > about me here and on other
    > you've shot yourselves
    > in the foot.

    No, Margaret. The will just escort you out of the building. You are no-one's hero. You are (flagrantly) wasting the funds and resources of the university.

  15. Listen to the Walmart Walrus roar, eh? She's been belching up her sea-breath in my comments section too.

    Me thinks she protests too much.

    Btw, I found a new picture of Margaret & have it posted at my blog.

  16. "I am just an ordinary woman, not some horrible ugly, repulsive person as you claim..."

    You mean the picture does not look like you?

  17. Holy shit! This is like the pinnacle of all pinnacles! This is great, it made my day.

  18. Holy shit! This is like the pinnacle of all pinnacles! This is great, it made my day.

    Haha, same for me.

  19. Don't be all that mean to her. Just dig up some comments she made in a rather not nice tone! The net should be overflowing with them!

    Maybe now young lady you can start playing nice!!!

    He doesn't seem to think you are all that nice either!!!

    Because they are in their mid-30s and looking to spawn lil fish obviously...

    Posted by: NYMOM | September 21, 2005 at 05:44 PM

    That doesn't sound very nice there lady!!

    "My point being that single men create instability for society...

    Sorry if you don't want to believe this...however I think marriage is a good for society on the whole for this reason and I think history has proven this as well...

    Posted by: NYMOM | September 24, 2005 at 09:52 PM "

    NY Mom how is feminism helping to solve the problem of single men! Feminism is creating barren single working women, who, when older will wish they had children!!!

    Single mothers are creating criminal sons by stripping them of their fathers in their youth!

    Do you think Illegitimate boys are going to stay out of trouble? You know the stats, it seems math is a foreign subject for you!!!!

    Feminism is driving a gulf between men and women, you need to put the blame where it belongs woman!!!

    "So I don't have too much sympathy for the men who complain.

    As that is one of their many 'unearned privileges' that they rarely mention; but which they enjoyed for generations and still do as this legacy continues in many communities's actually having a revival in Christian communities all over the country...

    Posted by: NYMOM | September 28, 2005 at 09:55 AM "

    What are feminist brainless propaganda are you spreading here? There isn't a rosey street paved with ease simply for being a man. People respect us because they know how strong we are. After all men are nation builders!

    Read a woman's magazine if you want to hear complaining!!!

  20. @KellyMac

    "Ah, nymom. Shut up and take it like a man."

    Touche, my dear.

  21. Lol, how'd you hackers figure out the identity? That's hilarious :)

  22. LMAO - WOW!!!!! :o

    The uglier/older the woman, the more bitter/radical feminist she is.


  23. I always imagined that is how she looked!!!

  24. What happened to the Walmart Walrus, anyway?

    I thought we were all going to Google Prison at the belch of the Walrus!

    Once again, it just proves, once men get in the face of rabid feminist Walrus's, they disappear faster than military women in wartime!

    And on a final note:

    It's about time you FUCKED OFF, SKANK!
