Sunday, October 22, 2006

Archive of Sixteen Volts blog

Here's an archive of the Sixteen Volts blog, which as you might know was taken down under duress. The women's center at Ilkka's university was responsible for this.

Information wants to be indestructible.


  1. What was the complaint against this blog ?

    I had a quick gander at it and found it to be intelligent and varies.

    So what's the problem with the feminazy on this blog ?

  2. I had a quick gander at it and found it to be intelligent and varies."

    There's the problem. The feminists can not take ANY criticism, so when they found an opportunity to take a man down, they did it, hook or crook. If he had not put his real name on the blog, the blog would have been alive today.

  3. Apparently information is very destructible (link's broken). Ilkka's last blog (Fourth Checkraise) is gone, too.
