Friday, June 01, 2007

Another woman looking out for her own

I got this comment on my post about Strip clubs being forced to pay into a "sexual assault prevention" fund.


I feel compelled to respond to several of these comments.. First, the sex industry is NOT controlled by women. By and large, it is men who own, operate, and control not only establishments but also much of the industry. Many women do strip of their own volition, but others are coerced. There are also many who are coerced into prostituting, even though they only signed on to strip. She may seem like a willing participant, but what you don't see is the man who has manipulated and threatened her. Granted, this is not the case all the time, but it is certainly something to consider.
The other comment related to going overseas to get "more bang for your buck" was troubling..... not that the blogger implied that the services solicited would be illegal or coercive, but that type of thing is so much more common abroad. Many, many women and children are forced into working in brothels-- it's called human trafficking-- and must service 20, 30, 40, 50 men a day. It's a haven for abusers. How does this all relate to stripping? Many owners of strip clubs turn a blind eye to a lot of what goes on and it's not a far leap to find clubs hosting "players' balls," which are huge pimp gatherings....
Check out the following for more information and be an educated, ethical consumer is all I'm saying:
Thanks for reading.

Yes honey, of course you feel compelled. After all, where would the female supremacists be without you nice and innocent, everyday women defending them and supporting them? Where would Andrea Dworkin the rabid man-hater be without you all swallowing that crap and asking for more? You are "compelled" by your very nature to band together, to take advantage of good, honest men and to hate men as a class regardless of the good we have done for you. Kind of like how rich white women hated black slaves just a few years ago, didn't even consider them human. Even today, white women are much more likely to sleep with black men in their rebellious phase, and if they're beautiful enough to land a rich white man, they don't look back. A slave's a slave, right? As long as he keeps toiling and keeps his Princess happy so she doesn't need the Enforcers to whip him to keep him in line.

Of course you found the comments on my blog troubling, you are after all a moral paragon aren't you? Pure as the driven snow, am I correct? A member of the Royal Sex forced into interaction with us lowly heathens. Tsk tsk, we shall have to keep those troubling comments away from you, don't we!








Go fuck yourself you fucking CUNT!

The sex industry would crumble without all the disease-ridden whores that go there to be oppressed to exchange their pu$$y (or the promise of it) for CASH. I wonder how many strippers pay taxes on all those $2 bills they dig out of their G-string? After all, they're not the most moral members of society, eh? Many men work in coal mines of their own volition, but plenty are coerced. Even more men and children are coerced into working in mines or other industries (those small hands can reach in where larger ones can't) and a huge amount of male children learn to fire an AK-47 to defend their family after seeing their father blown to bits. Where's your sympathy for men you fucking bitch? Oh wait, you don't have any, you don't care about the disposable sex, do you? Think back to the last couple of wars. Those men may seem like willing participants, but you don't see the women who went around handing out white feathers, then make a U-turn and claim to be war protesters, all to keep their stranglehold on the moral high ground. All while they didn't have to dodge enemy fire, all while they went about their daily lives and fucked the men who sent their husband to war.


Thanks for reading, fuck you come again,

1 comment:

  1. I've got no sympathy for women who make more money in an hour than most men do in a whole day. And that's just the cheap ones. Some of them make more money in an hour than most men make in a week and they're not the most expensive ones. As if spreading your legs is so much more traumatic than working all day with hot toxic chemicals which can melt the flesh from your bone.
