Sunday, October 28, 2007

Wife strikes gold with husband's death

Another dead man, another rich wife. Another "wrongful death" lawsuit. What's new here? Well, she and her lawyer and naturally the accomplice judge, raided another dead man's estate to pay the fiend.

$4.5 million awarded in Carrera GT case

Over two years ago a crash involving a Porsche Carrera GT during a Ferrari Owner's Club track day killed two event participants when they hit the wall at over 100 mph while trying to avoid a Ferrari merging onto the front straightaway. The driver and Carrera GT owner was Ben Keaton, an avid automotive enthusiast who regularly shared his wisdom on the website The car's passenger was Corey Rudl, a prospective Carrera GT buyer who wanted to take a ride. The tragic loss of these two lives brought out a great debate in the safety of California Speedway's tight infield road course, the responsibility of the event organizers, and the design of the Porsche Carrera GT itself.

Tracy Rudl, the wife of passenger Corey Rudl, filed a lawsuit claiming gross negligence by many parties associated with the track event. She recently received a settlement of approximately $4.5 million. The contributing parties to the settlement fund were 2% from the merging Ferrari driver, 8% from Porsche, 41% from California Speedway and Ferrari Owner's Club and finally 49% from the Carrera GT driver's estate.

The Ferrari driver was not found very responsible since he was waved on by a track worker, Porsche was found liable because (believe it or not) they didn't put Traction Control in the vehicle. Maybe I should sue Chevrolet if I get in an accident because my car doesn't have traction control and runflat tires and all the other assorted safety features it never had and I know it never had them?

The track is paying because the track worker waved the Ferrari into the track, and the GT driver is responsible because?? Oh, that's right, he had the money. Forgot that justice is always about getting the biggest payoff in the US.

Sickening. Why is it that judges and juries just can't help forcing other people's purse strings open whenever a woman comes along with a few crocodile tears?